MathLAB is a Pro EduTech Tool whose objective is that all students, regardless of their socioeconomic and cultural environment, can achieve their Optimal Competent Neurodevelopment. Contributing to breaking the educational gap (the co-relationship between opportunities and environment). That is, allowing the development of Specific Cognitive Processes in the area of ​​Mathematics of each student, according to their specific needs and characteristics, in Primary Education.

This Pro EduTech Tool is an educational technology based on the R&D of iteNlearning, the result of Scientific-Technological Convergence. Which consists of 5 characteristics:

  • Scientific Evidence
  • Validation
  • Adaptive Learning in 3 Levels
  • Real-time Learning Analytics
  • Gamified Metacognition

Based in 3 evidences:

  • Scientific
  • Empirical (teaching actions with greater effect size)
  • Learning (objective and subjective)
Project Type
Available projects
01 01 2021