MathLAB is a Pro EduTech Tool whose objective is that all students, regardless of their socioeconomic and cultural environment, can achieve their Optimal Competent Neurodevelopment. Contributing to breaking the educational gap (the co-relationship between opportunities and environment). That is, allowing the development of Specific Cognitive Processes in the area of Mathematics of each student, according to their specific needs and characteristics, in Primary Education.
This Pro EduTech Tool is an educational technology based on the R&D of iteNlearning, the result of Scientific-Technological Convergence. Which consists of 5 characteristics:
- Scientific Evidence
- Validation
- Adaptive Learning in 3 Levels
- Real-time Learning Analytics
- Gamified Metacognition
Based in 3 evidences:
- Scientific
- Empirical (teaching actions with greater effect size)
- Learning (objective and subjective)