At iteNlearning we take the integral management of educational change very seriously, and we know that the mere introduction of a technology in the classroom, no matter how powerful it may be, is not enough to achieve success: it is necessary to take other actions of specialized help:

  1. Training for teachers. This element is key to any process of educational change. If a teacher is not trained in the use of a technology, how can he apply it? In iteNlearning we have developed both classroom and online courses on all aspects necessary to introduce innovative pedagogies enhanced with the use of Learning and Communication Technologies (TAC) in the classroom.
  2. Accompanying teachers in their first steps. Teacher training courses tend to fail because the instruction is carried out in places far from everyday practice: in Teacher and Resource Centers (CPR), institutional offices, etc. In those courses other than reality everything works properly, but when you return to the classroom the situation can be very different. In iteNlearning we are convinced that the best training for teachers is the one that takes place precisely in the same area where classes are taught, accompanying those first decisive steps. An example of this work can be seen here.
  3. Technical support but also pedagogical. In iteNlearning we are always close to solve any problem or doubt that may arise. Both from a technical or functional point of view, as well as solving didactic questions. Teachers have a comprehensive User Assistance Center (CAU) that supports them on a permanent basis.

The joint action of these elements guarantees success in the pedagogical innovation to be implemented.
